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I was raised in the Seattle area by parents working in the game industry. I've always wanted to be a professional artist, and I started taking after-school art classes when I was nine.

I recently completed my degree in digital art and animation at DigiPen. I loved the creative community and working with my peers. I’m proud to have given back to the DigiPen community by being a figure drawing monitor and being a teaching assistant for six classes. I also organized DigiPen's gesture club, which is a club for artists and animators to practice quickly drawing poses from life.

My hobbies include whittling, walking around my city, game industry mixers, cross-country road trips with my sister, drawing, and playing Dungeons & Dragons with my college roommates. I also enjoy volunteering at game industry conferences, including Game Developers Conference, Pocket Gamer Connects Seattle, and PAX West.

- Sam Beeman

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